How is the number of lumens per m2 calculated?
Now that we understand lumens and lux, we can talk about lumens per square meter. This term simply describes the amount of light (in lumens) needed to illuminate one square meter of space. This calculation is crucial to ensure that every corner of your room is adequately lit according to its specific needs.
Calculating lumens per square meter
To calculate lumens per square meter, follow these steps:
Determine the total area of the room
Formula: Length x Width = Area in square meters (m²)
Example : If your room is 5 meters long and 4 meters wide, the area is 20 m².
Consider the use of the room
Different rooms have different lighting needs. For example, a kitchen or workspace requires more lumens than a bedroom.
Example : For a living room, around 100-150 lumens per m² are recommended.
Final calculation
Formula: Room area (m²) x Recommended lumens per m² = Total lumens required
Example : For a 20 m² living room with a recommendation of 150 lumens/m², you need 3000 lumens in total.